Currently available for the BI200 model, “Swing” will be presented at the international fair “Interforst”, in Munich from 17 to 20 July 2022.

An example of the versatility of OMEF “Big Inch” comes from United States, where our BI200 tree shear model was applied on “Vermeer CTX160” mini Skid Steer
Not just excavators and large operating machines. Today’s testimony is proof of this: OMEF BI 200 Tree Shear mounted on Vermeer CTX160 is a brilliant combination for anyone who wants to make their Mini Skid Steer even more productive and capable of carrying out small felling and vegetation maintenance in total safety.
“OMEF tree shear is able to transform even the smallest mini skid steer into a practical and efficient forestry machine. BI200 shear, combined with my mini Skid Steer, is suitable for removing trees up to 200mm (8”) diameter and, thanks to its small size, allows me to work in areas with very limited access” – says Wesley Howell, who adds: “Big Inch treeshear guarantees excellent performance even on the hardest woods such as, for example, oak”.
The particular integrated blade and the frame of the “Big Inch” tree shear are in fact made entirely of XAR 500, the top wear-resistant steel that allows the shear to combine an extremely compact structure with uncommon strength and toughness, always ensuring a clean and quick cut on all types of wood.